Full LibGDX Game Tutorial – General Improvements

Full LibGDX Game Tutorial – General Improvements Welcome to part 15 of our Full LibGDX Game Tutorial. This part will focus on general improvements to the game like adding textures, better level generation etc. If you haven’t seen the earlier parts of this tutorial I advise you to start at Full LibGDX Game Tutorial – Project […]

Collision Detection – Circles, Rectangles and Polygons

Collision Detection – Circles, Rectangles and Polygons So you’re making a game and you want to check if your character has bonked an enemy. This calls for collision detection algorithms. Surely you could use a framework like Box2D to do all the collision detection for you.. well yes,  you could and it would work pretty […]

Full LibGDX Game Tutorial – Infinite Level Generation with Simplex Noise

Simplex noise - example terrain output - colourized

Full LibGDX Game Tutorial – Infinite Level Generation Welcome to part 11 of our Full LibGDX Game Tutorial. This part will focus on creating a system to infinitely generate our world using Simplex Noise. If you haven’t seen the earlier parts of this tutorial I advise you to start at Full LibGDX Game Tutorial – Project […]